Individually hand-crafted guitars since 1992
The demand for hand-made guitars has been clearly on the rise during the beginning of 2000s. Needs and requirements of guitarists are often quite unique and the “high-end” factory guitar might not be an optimal solution.
The hallmarks of a good instrument are the qualities of its tone, playability and workmanship, and our specific focus is on these three areas. Besides the right materials and structures an individually crafted instrument will look stunning throughout its lifetime.
Your instrument should fit perfectly your hand, be suited for your playing style and look just like you desired. If you want a totally customised instrument, that is possible also.
The quality of the tone of an instrument is the sum of various factors. The synergy of materials, shapes, dimensions, finishing and many other things contribute to the tone. Our skill is to create this synergy, and with the best choices to produce this unique instrument that is a good sounding, personal and trusted workhorse.
We pay great attention to playability and easy of playing. An agile and precise instrument is the wish of every musician. As preferences vary we need to pay special attention to neck profile and finish, fingerboard, string heights, tuners, pickups, etc.
Our instruments are built to last long and age with dignity. We respect tradition but are always ready to develop something modern and new on a bespoke basis for you.
Maintenance, repair and restoration

We maintain, adjust, repair and restore all stringed instruments: acoustic instruments, electric guitars, basses, etc. Check our service price list and read how to take care of your instrument. Please contact us in info@lottonen.com or with the contact form at the bottom of this page.
We are members of The European Guitar Builders Association and The Guild of Finnish Luthiers.

Lottonen guitars
This picture and video really speaks for itself. Thanks Tommi (P-6X) and Pertsa (LR-00).
If you want to listen to sound samples of our other guitars, please visit our Youtube-channel.
Our guitars are individually custom made. As the starting point we normally choose from our standard collection, where many important factors are already well developed and proven in practice.
Prices starting from 2.000 € (incl. VAT). See product pages for more info.
- P -model is a typical small parlor guitar. The shape of the body, top bracing and floating bridge contribute to that recognizable “old time” tone.
- S -model is a small-bodied guitar which is nice to hold. It has a balanced sound and suits fingerpicking and studio work especially well.
- M -model is a middle sized, reactive guitar with a broad dynamic range. It is a perfect general purpose instrument suitable for many playing styles.
- D -model is a traditional bluegrass guitar. It has a powerful sound and suits well both accompanied and solo playing.
- Our archtops Centurion and Modesto are laminated jazz guitars. Their popularity is based on versatility and very good price quality ratio.
Dashing Laulu ukulele is made of Finnish alder. Top, back, sides and neck are all of alder which is a light and stable material and well suited to musical instrument building. Laulu is available in many different finishes and shades and in four sizes:
- Soprano, from 700 € (incl. VAT)
- Concert, from 900 € (incl. VAT)
- Tenor, from 1.300 € (incl. VAT)
- Baritone, from 1.700 € (incl. VAT)
Jarmo Julkunen Plays Laulu-ukulele. Please, have a listen!
The Copacabana Guitar is a unique and a high quality instrument as well as a living part of modern design history. The Copa is built with the highest standards in materials and workmanship and with best accessories available. My over 20 years experience in repairworks and building high quality guitars guarantees a professional approach to The Copa – designed by Mr. Eero Aarnio. Note: The truss rod cover and the control plates are exactly the same fiberglass as used in original Eero Aarnio´s Ballchair and Pastilchair
Body: Finnish Aspen Neck: Finnish Alder, Bolted Steel Truss Rod Fingerboard: Harvested East Indian Rosewood (12″ Radius ) Tuners: Chrome Plated Frets: VanGent Pickup: Chrome Plated CopaBucker. Custom humbucker with coil-tap capability. Controls: One Volume, One Tone Tailpiece/Bridge: Chrome Plated
Colors: Original Copacabana Red, Yellow, Orange, Green and Black. White is also available. Finish: High Gloss Polyurethane Other Features: Mother of Pearl Dots, Bone Nut, Tank Knobs, Endpin Jack Dimensions: Neck: Width At Nut 42.85 mm Scale Length: 24 3/4″ Overall Length: 970 mm Weight: 2,8 kg Price: 6.820 € (incl. VAT)
Uutta!! CopaUke – an “electric acoustic ukulele”
Watch Jarmo Julkunen’s demoes.
Our Customers e.g.
Alanko Ismo, Autio Tuomo, Bibb Eric, Granfelt Ben, Hakala Petri, Hakanen Leo, Huhtakangas Jussi, Hynninen Jarmo, Iltanen Kimmo, Jakoila Antero, Julkunen Jarmo, Jämsen Kalle, Järvelä Jukka, Karjalainen Jukka, Karjalainen Samuli, Karlson Leif, Kiiski Ako, Krzywacki Petri, Kukkonen Jarno, Kuloniemi Esa, Lanu Juha, Lampuoti Juhani, Lehto Janne, Lehto Timo, Leinonen Jari, Lerche Peter, Linna Juha-Pekka, Liski Marko, Logren Tuomas, Louhivuori Janne, Luukka Pekka, Mannola Raul, Marttila Jere, Mikkola Era, Mäkinen Jaakko, Nieminen Pertti, Nikku Jarmo, Nordenstreng Markus, Nurmio Hannu, Nylund Pekka, Paappanen Ville, Porra Lauri, Putkinen Ykä, Rantanen Markus, Rautio Pekka, Rintanen Mikko, Salmela Jorma, Seppänen Timo, Sillanpää Seppo, Sipilä Jarno, Starck Kjell, Syren Jussi, Szafirovski Mikael, Tegelmann Matti, Tolonen Jukka, Tolonen Timo, Toppola Risto, Tukiainen Olli, Vaattovaara Kari, Viksten Janne, Viksten Tommi, Vilkkumaa Maija, Vuorenmaa Antti, Växby Anssi
Shows are good occations to test the guitars:
Latest news
Summer holidays 2018
Our workshop will be closed 2.-30.7. 2018 due to summer holidays. We wish you all a pleasant and relaxing summer!
Summer 2017 Opening Hours
From June 26th to July 31st: Tuesdays 12 - 17, Wednesdays 12 - 17, HAPPY SUMMER!
Holy Grail Guitar Show 2016
The third Holy Grail Guitar Show is over and we have been lucky to be part of this event every year. This year we displayed our P-6 and P-12 parlor guitars and the smallest of
Happy Summer!
Lottonen workshop is on summer vacation. Back to work on 2.8.
The Holy Grail Guitar Show 2015
We just arrived from this great show in Berlin and are really satisfied with the results. Nice talks with players, dealers, media and colleagues. Finnish lutherie was again well represented and seen in the picture